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Sapota (Chikoo)

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MRP: Rs 56

Rs 45 (inclusive of all taxes)

The skin is inedible, but serves a purpose as a kind of bowl for the sweet flesh. The flesh is off-white to a yellowish brown colour and has a soft and juicy texture. The sweet flavour of the Chikoo flesh is due to the presence of high levels of fructose and sucrose.

In Ayruvedic practice Chikoo is used for its anti-inflammatory benefits. It is also a good source for dietary fiber. The natural tannins in the flesh of the Chikoo are antioxidants and have antiviral, anti-bacterial, and anti-parasitic effects. Chikoos are most often eaten fresh, halved with seeds removed and simply by scooping the flesh from the skin. The pulp is used to make smoothies and shakes, and in various dessert applications as well.

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